We're a Masterpiece, ♥


Wednesday, December 14, 2011 @ 10:10 AM
Here I am once again.

Okie dokie, so here is the daily blog entry I promised :) soooo, the plan for today is
1. Moving of stuffs back to my house
2. Unpacking
3. Tuition
4. Putting of facial masks!
Hahahaha, okay. So that's kinda like what I plan to do today. ^^ I'll write a post about the facial mask I used tonight! :D okay, so I'm really bored now cos I'm standing at th warehouse, just taking care of the stuff & all. So I'm blogging HAHA.

Anyway, I'm supposed to dedicate this post to Athena Willis :B she'll be coming back on the 28th! And yesterday, she sent me pictures of the sunrise :) HAHAHA it was pretty okay. :) and I'll wish her a safe journey on the 28th! I'll be back from Malaysia around that time too :D so yay! Haha, although Athena has her own clique and we don't really confide in each other often, she's really trustworthy and she's super duper act cute HAHA. Okay, act cute in a good way :p soooo, I miss her(OBVIOUSLY, or not why will I be posting this). Okay so, I hope she has fun and enjoys her stay in US! :) lucky girl :)

Okay, so continue about myself. I'm really bored standing here on my own. Well, not really on my own but my bro is here with me! HAHA. Oh, here are some tips on running I heard on the radio!
1. Run different routes everyday, because if the road is uneven, your muscles will be developed unevenly too!
2. Flat foot people are supposed to look out for running shows that are suitable for their flat feet.
3. Running posture is really important!
4. If you feel breathless or anything of that sort, stop running.
5. If you just started running, try a shorter distance, then slowly increase the distance as the days go.

OKAY, toodles! ^_^ will blog tonight I hope :)