We're a Masterpiece, ♥


Wednesday, December 28, 2011 @ 7:56 PM

Soooooooo, I'm sick hahahahahahahahaha, AGAIN. But this time, it's worse. :( it's like I have a fever, that reached as high as 39.4 degrees when I was in Malaysia. Horrible isn't it? I couldn't enjoy most of the stuff, the programmes, and most importantly, THE SCRUMPTIOUS & DELICIOUS FOOD! *sigh* what did I do to deserve this....... The food was like right in front of me and I couldn't eat. And the best thing is, there was my favorite CURRY. Argh I feel so pathetic now. :( it was like a buffet, filled with all the teenagers all-time-favorites! E.g, sushi, all the Malay kueh, sandwiches, dumplings, satay, waffles, cup corn & the list goes on. Even talking about it makes me so hungry. I WANNA EAT WAFFLES.

Well, I wanna thank like soooo many people. First of, Elysia! She was like so concerned and stuff, kept asking if I was okay & all that. :) oh, and there was this Chinese way of curing fever called 'qua sha'. Then there was many many very red marks on my back, as if a cat scratched it. When I showed it to Elysia, she almost cried! Ohmygoodness. I was like 'why you cry!' HAHA, end up she thought someone abused me. Cute girl lor.

Secondly, I wanna thank NingZhen! She kept asking if I was alright too, and also, she even gave me Valerie & Elysia's jacket when I was cold. Which means I was wearing 3 jackets HAHA, I looked like an oversized penguin.

Thirdly, I wanna thank Valerie! Woohoo k la she quite mad one but she helped me find my mum that night ^_^ hohoho I so happy sia! And at night she very the high, cheer me up HOHOHO.

Okay so next, I'll name the rest of the people I wanna thank. Sounds a bit lame but well, it shows that I'm thankful! Hmm, Jieliang, Edward, Edward's dad, all the people who helped me. I lazy name all already. Okay so that's the people that I'm close to. Oh, not forgetting Yuxian Hahahahaha I don't think he'll see this but ohwell.

So those 4 days in Malaysia were basic terror for me. I felt so super horrible. On Christmas night's eve, I was like a cry-baby, crying away, cos I wanted my mum. L O L R I G H T. Then they asked me to take my temperature. That was when my temperature was 39.4 degrees. I had no idea that it was so high! Then it's like, from there, my condition worsened. It was so bad that I had to go to a Malaysia hospital. I had to withdraw blood too. They were afraid it was dengue fever HAHA. But thank heavens, it wasn't. :) it was just a bacteria attack. So now, I'm on my road to recovery! WOOHOO. Okay, whatever. The first thing in gonna eat when I recover is WAFFLES. Hehehehe. Okay, I will upload pictures. SOON SOON. Cos I'm sick and not able to set up my laptop @ home and the wifi at my house isn't up yet! So yes, I'm sorry!

Wishing everyone good health! And remember to finish all your homework for school! :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011 @ 5:05 PM
Okay dorkz, hi there

Now I'm taking time out to blog while on the bus :) sooooo I'll like blog about what I bought in HK.

It's like, my mum gave me 600 hongkong dollars, which is equivalent to 100 SG dollars. I spent all! Haha. And I'm left with 20 pathetic cents. Okay, whatever, I'm already heading back home. Lucky me HAHA.

Hmm, so....... I bought really a lot of things. I'll name all of it :)
1. A pink bag, it isn't really hot pink or light pink, idk how to describe it.
2. A long sleeve shirt that spells 'London'
3. An orange bag, it's inspired by ifk which brand but whatever.
4. A hat for bad Ed haha
5. Papa smurf
6. Yoshi, the dinosaur found in Mario.
7. Loads & loads of facial masks
8. A jeans material shirt
9. A cute bear shirt, the patterns are repeated.
10. 3 leggings
11. Rice cake ;)
12. A dress that costs only 10$!
13. A ring :D

Okay so... I guess that's all. I'll spam all the pictures when I'm back in SG. Maybe tmrw night! I'm like on the way to the airport now. My flight is around 6.30! So yeah. Bye bye! :)

@ 4:50 PM
Falling sick when I am overseas isnt good.

Starting off, I'll like say where I am now. I'm queue-ing to go to 'The Peak'. And there is the Madame Tussands wax museum. And there is this super long queue. And I'm so freaking bored. So now I'll just blog about the things I see in HK. :)

1. Couples in HK are so much more 'hiong' than those in SG. They do all the 'PDA' in public, with their uniforms and all, at the bus stop. So, well, SG isn't that bad.
2. The people here are also very kiasu. So yes, we shouldn't say that Singaporeans are the worst and all that crap.
3. The people in HK ain't all that nice. Yes, there are nice people & I'm not stereotyping btw. But really, based on most of my personal experiences, they are like so rude? LOL. People here knock onto you and don't apologize. And what's more, they stare at you like you're a freaking psychopath/lunatic. Hello, where are you people rushing to?

Okay so yes I'm really pissed at this point in time. And the people queuing @ the Peak Tram is like mad. So many people! When I get back, I'll post all the pictures! ^^

Friday, December 16, 2011 @ 5:41 PM
HongKong full of hot guys 😍

Okay, so I'm taking time out to blog now :) sorry for not blogging ytd :(

hahaha, everywhere you go, there are hot guys HA HA HA. But it's like, they don't taper their school pants, and they look super good. Unlike singapore boys! Oh, and otw to the hotel, I saw a couple! Ohmygosh. Perfect you know. The guy is handsome and all, plus he knows how to dress :) Furthermore, the girl looks super cute. They really match ^^ but they were in their uniform and holding hands. I guesst it's kinda common here in HK.

I've been here like 10 years ago? No wait, specifically is 9 years ago :) HAHA. It's like I don't even remember anything already. :X okay so I'm heading for dinner later. As I'm using an app to blog, I'm not able to add pictures :'( sorry okay! Will upload it when I'm home :D okay bye!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 @ 10:10 AM
Here I am once again.

Okie dokie, so here is the daily blog entry I promised :) soooo, the plan for today is
1. Moving of stuffs back to my house
2. Unpacking
3. Tuition
4. Putting of facial masks!
Hahahaha, okay. So that's kinda like what I plan to do today. ^^ I'll write a post about the facial mask I used tonight! :D okay, so I'm really bored now cos I'm standing at th warehouse, just taking care of the stuff & all. So I'm blogging HAHA.

Anyway, I'm supposed to dedicate this post to Athena Willis :B she'll be coming back on the 28th! And yesterday, she sent me pictures of the sunrise :) HAHAHA it was pretty okay. :) and I'll wish her a safe journey on the 28th! I'll be back from Malaysia around that time too :D so yay! Haha, although Athena has her own clique and we don't really confide in each other often, she's really trustworthy and she's super duper act cute HAHA. Okay, act cute in a good way :p soooo, I miss her(OBVIOUSLY, or not why will I be posting this). Okay so, I hope she has fun and enjoys her stay in US! :) lucky girl :)

Okay, so continue about myself. I'm really bored standing here on my own. Well, not really on my own but my bro is here with me! HAHA. Oh, here are some tips on running I heard on the radio!
1. Run different routes everyday, because if the road is uneven, your muscles will be developed unevenly too!
2. Flat foot people are supposed to look out for running shows that are suitable for their flat feet.
3. Running posture is really important!
4. If you feel breathless or anything of that sort, stop running.
5. If you just started running, try a shorter distance, then slowly increase the distance as the days go.

OKAY, toodles! ^_^ will blog tonight I hope :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011 @ 9:45 PM
I am so mad. GRR.

TMD I JUST TYPED ONE WHOLE LONG POST AND IT WENT MISSING! Argh. Wtf. Okay whatever. I'll write again.

Okay hi, my house is currently under renovations! Gonna be moving back officially on Wednesday. Anyway, the purpose of my blog post today is to send one of my friends overseas HAHA. Well, I can't be there myself to send her off at midnight so I thought I could at least dedicate a blog post to her :) okay. We've been friends since sec1! And well, in lower sec we fought A LOT. Not really fought but argue. We always couldn't click & we had arguments every now and then. But now, we're so much better ;) right? HAHA. I know you're reading this :p okay anyway, her name is Shermaine Goh Jia Yi. She's really lovely :) she's a little sensitive at times but that's her! If she wasn't like that, she wouldn't be called shermaine ^_^ okay, so @ this point, I'll wish her a safe journey & Bon voyage :D make sure you sleep on the plane alright! :) I love you <3 xxoo.